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105 Results found for jerry evans

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We are all puzzled by events from time to time and sometimes we never really understand what is going on around us.
We are all puzzled by events from time to time and sometimes we never really understand what is going on around us.
Those writing checks to the Beaufort County Government got the same disrespectful handling this year we got last year.
Those writing checks to the Beaufort County Government got the same disrespectful handling this year we got last year.
In about 1998, shortly after I was elected to the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners, several of us who watched local government closely realized the news articles, and for that matter reports from the ruling class of commissioners, did not fit with what actually happened.
In about 1998, shortly after I was elected to the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners, several of us who watched local government closely realized the news articles, and for that matter reports from the ruling class of commissioners, did not fit with what actually happened.
It has been a while since i sent you an email. a lot has been going on during the month of may.
It has been a while since i sent you an email. a lot has been going on during the month of may.
The jail is not intended to be a resort hotel or to bring aid and comfort to criminals. It is to keep dangerous people away from the public and for convicted criminals to serve up to 90 days.
The jail is not intended to be a resort hotel or to bring aid and comfort to criminals. It is to keep dangerous people away from the public and for convicted criminals to serve up to 90 days.
I have written a lot and talked a lot about unethical behavior and dishonest behavior by several members of the Board of County Commissioners. In general these guys do business in the back room.
I have written a lot and talked a lot about unethical behavior and dishonest behavior by several members of the Board of County Commissioners. In general these guys do business in the back room.
This government disaster is not costing what the all knowing, all seeing, Beaufort County master manipulators thought.
This government disaster is not costing what the all knowing, all seeing, Beaufort County master manipulators thought.
Sorry Carl, but the Folwell Resolution will not happen in Beaufort County, and will not be even heard.
Sorry Carl, but the Folwell Resolution will not happen in Beaufort County, and will not be even heard.
In a recent article titled "With friends like these, we don"t need enemies", I explained how the Democrats have managed to keep control of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners when they have only two votes.
In a recent article titled "With friends like these, we don"t need enemies", I explained how the Democrats have managed to keep control of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners when they have only two votes.
The Beaufort County Commissioners must deliver a budget for Fiscal Year 2019 /2020 for the county government in their charge to govern.
The Beaufort County Commissioners must deliver a budget for Fiscal Year 2019 /2020 for the county government in their charge to govern.
It is no secret among the truly conservative county commissioners and conservative Republicans that Democrats have held leadership positions on the Board of County Commissioners for the past 12 years.
It is no secret among the truly conservative county commissioners and conservative Republicans that Democrats have held leadership positions on the Board of County Commissioners for the past 12 years.
If you think you got a good deal or a fair deal in the revaluation of your property for taxes this year, there is a very good chance you did not.
If you think you got a good deal or a fair deal in the revaluation of your property for taxes this year, there is a very good chance you did not.
If you think you got a good deal or a fair deal in the revaluation of your property for taxes this year, there is a very good chance you did not.
If you think you got a good deal or a fair deal in the revaluation of your property for taxes this year, there is a very good chance you did not.
The most important business of the people in the first meeting of a singular political /governmental year is the selection of the board's chairman. Almost always, maybe always, it sets the roles of certain commissioners to do the people's business for the balance of the year.
The most important business of the people in the first meeting of a singular political /governmental year is the selection of the board's chairman. Almost always, maybe always, it sets the roles of certain commissioners to do the people's business for the balance of the year.
In the realm of the Limited Voting election scheme, which is rammed down the collective throats of all Beaufort County Citizens and taxpayers, no county commissioner candidate has ever gotten as many votes as did The Hood in this 2016 general election.
In the realm of the Limited Voting election scheme, which is rammed down the collective throats of all Beaufort County Citizens and taxpayers, no county commissioner candidate has ever gotten as many votes as did The Hood in this 2016 general election.
In an effort to further our commitment in keeping our audience informed with issues pertinent to Beaufort County and surrounding areas, Beaufort County Now is providing live coverage for the election results tonight.
In an effort to further our commitment in keeping our audience informed with issues pertinent to Beaufort County and surrounding areas, Beaufort County Now is providing live coverage for the election results tonight.
With the vote totals still coming in, and if the vote totals hold as of 10:30 pm, this election night of November 8, 2016, the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners will change, maybe dramatically, maybe in a minor way.
With the vote totals still coming in, and if the vote totals hold as of 10:30 pm, this election night of November 8, 2016, the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners will change, maybe dramatically, maybe in a minor way.
Even disinterested voters in this election have an unusually clear and knowledgeable definition of almost all the candidates.
Even disinterested voters in this election have an unusually clear and knowledgeable definition of almost all the candidates.
The Beaufort County Republican Party will be hosting Coffee with the Candidates
The Beaufort County Republican Party will be hosting Coffee with the Candidates
It is expected that there will be a major fight at the Beaufort County Republican Convention Tuesday night (3-26-13). The current divisions in the Grand Ole Party will likely play out in the election of officers and Executive Committee members. Here's the background.
It is expected that there will be a major fight at the Beaufort County Republican Convention Tuesday night (3-26-13). The current divisions in the Grand Ole Party will likely play out in the election of officers and Executive Committee members. Here's the background.
This system worked quite well; they were a great team - Ed was unbeatable and Arthur was to be the ascending Democrat in one local seat or another, after Ed retired, and Ed did one day retire.
This system worked quite well; they were a great team - Ed was unbeatable and Arthur was to be the ascending Democrat in one local seat or another, after Ed retired, and Ed did one day retire.
The liberal Gang of Five Beaufort County Commissioners declared victory at the County Commissioner meeting on June 4th with the passing of the 2012/2013 budget.
The liberal Gang of Five Beaufort County Commissioners declared victory at the County Commissioner meeting on June 4th with the passing of the 2012/2013 budget.
The below reports are from Jessica Hult and Jenny Cooper both of whom attended the NCGOP Convention last weekend and handed out the attached flyer. Both were approached and questioned (grilled?) about the flyer. Below they report their experiences.
The below reports are from Jessica Hult and Jenny Cooper both of whom attended the NCGOP Convention last weekend and handed out the attached flyer. Both were approached and questioned (grilled?) about the flyer. Below they report their experiences.
It is election night, primary, 2012, and NC House Representative Bill Cook won the Republican nomination for the NC Senate, District 1, seat, while Norman Sanderson won the Republican nomination for NC Senate, District 2, seat.
It is election night, primary, 2012, and NC House Representative Bill Cook won the Republican nomination for the NC Senate, District 1, seat, while Norman Sanderson won the Republican nomination for NC Senate, District 2, seat.
It is important to vote, but much more important to know the difference between the worthy and the worthless If you have been keeping up with the political commentary in BCN, you would well know that we have fully expressed our position as to who possess the "right stuff" to serve in this Republic.
It is important to vote, but much more important to know the difference between the worthy and the worthless If you have been keeping up with the political commentary in BCN, you would well know that we have fully expressed our position as to who possess the "right stuff" to serve in this Republic.
NC House Rep. Bill Cook is running for NC Senate, District 1, since his NC House District was re-districted into extinction.
NC House Rep. Bill Cook is running for NC Senate, District 1, since his NC House District was re-districted into extinction.
Have you ever wondered whether the people who pay good money to go to professional wrestling matches also vote on election day? If not, read this and then ponder that question a bit.
Have you ever wondered whether the people who pay good money to go to professional wrestling matches also vote on election day? If not, read this and then ponder that question a bit.
Primary election votes are a lot more valuable than general election votes, especially in local elections. There are several reasons. There are about one third more Democrats registered than Republicans.
Primary election votes are a lot more valuable than general election votes, especially in local elections. There are several reasons. There are about one third more Democrats registered than Republicans.
Jerry Evans, candidate for Senate District 1, second mailer is following the pattern of liberal Democrats who believe the saying that "If you tell someone the same thing enough times, they will start believing it".
Jerry Evans, candidate for Senate District 1, second mailer is following the pattern of liberal Democrats who believe the saying that "If you tell someone the same thing enough times, they will start believing it".
Those of us at the Beaufort Observer have spent more time reporting on the Beaufort Hospital than any other single story in the last three years. It is, as we have learned, a sordid tale, with many angles.
Those of us at the Beaufort Observer have spent more time reporting on the Beaufort Hospital than any other single story in the last three years. It is, as we have learned, a sordid tale, with many angles.
A quick review of those who spoke at the public hearings reveals that this argument was the single most frequently mentioned reason to go with UHS. Even some doctors displayed the same lack of understanding of economics.
A quick review of those who spoke at the public hearings reveals that this argument was the single most frequently mentioned reason to go with UHS. Even some doctors displayed the same lack of understanding of economics.
For some people, it does not matter whom I endorse for elected office. I well understand that; however, I offer prayer that these, and other, voters are not so petty that my endorsement gives them purpose to show up just to vote against my favored candidate.
For some people, it does not matter whom I endorse for elected office. I well understand that; however, I offer prayer that these, and other, voters are not so petty that my endorsement gives them purpose to show up just to vote against my favored candidate.
N.C. Rep. Bill Cook, R-Beaufort, and real estate broker Jerry Evans say regulations are stifling economic growth in eastern North Carolina's Senate District 1, a vast region of eight coastal counties.
N.C. Rep. Bill Cook, R-Beaufort, and real estate broker Jerry Evans say regulations are stifling economic growth in eastern North Carolina's Senate District 1, a vast region of eight coastal counties.
Chameleon politicians. You know, those lizards that change color to suit the environment at the time. Like the story Will Rogers is reported to have told. Seems a politician came up to Will one day and ask him for his vote.
Chameleon politicians. You know, those lizards that change color to suit the environment at the time. Like the story Will Rogers is reported to have told. Seems a politician came up to Will one day and ask him for his vote.
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